MUHBA - Museu d'Història de Barcelona - Vil·la Joana
The Museu-Casa Verdaguer is a typical example of a Catalan country house and displays personal objects belonging to the great poet Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902). These mementoes take us on a journey through the recent history of Catalonia and Barcelona.
The museum comprises two sections: the "sentimental" section, featuring period furniture; and the "literary" section, with an exhibition about Jacint Verdaguer's life and literary career. Highlights include original drawings by Andreu Solà (Ripollet, 1863-1902) for an edition of Dietari d'un Peregrí a Terra Santa (An Account of a Pilgrim to the Holy Land), a drawing by Alexandre de Riquer (Calaf, 1856-Palma de Mallorca, 1920) which frames a musical score by Francesc Alió, Lo Plor de la tórtora (The Weeping of a Turtledove), and a copy of Oda a Barcelona (Ode to Barcelona) signed by Verdaguer. The museum also houses a collection of books about the poet and his works, as well as contemporary publications. It also has a specialised photographic collection.
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